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Dietary Fibre Chart

Dietary Fibre Chart

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Food Item (100g)Dietary Fibre (g per 100g)
Rose Hip Powder43.0
Coriander Seeds41.9
Wheat Bran40.2
Fennel Seeds39.8
Curry Powder33.2
Black Pepper26.5
White Pepper26.2
Cocoa Powder24.0
Rice Bran21.0
Roasted and Grounded Coffee Beans19.8
Dried Yeast19.7
Dried White Beans18.4
Flax Seeds18.0
Whole Sesame Seeds18.0
Dried Brown Beans17.8
Dried Soya Beans16.6
Rye Crispbread16.3
Wheat Crispbread15.8
Dried Mung Beans15
Rye Kernels14.8
Whole Meal Rye Flour14.8
Dried Peach14.3
Coconut, raw14
Coconut Flour12.6
Dried Tomatoes12.3
Wheat Germ, raw12.3
Dried Chickpeas12.2
Sesame Seeds, no shell12.1
Whole Meal Wheat Flour11.6
Dried Brown Lentils11.2
Wheat Kernels11.0
Lemon Peel, raw10.6
Dried Coriander Leaves10.4
Passion Fruit, raw10.4
Porridge Oats10.1
Poppy Seeds10.0
Rye Bread10.0
Garlic Powder09.9
Dried Pecan Nuts09.6
Whole Wheat Pasta, uncooked09.6
Barley Groats, raw09.5
Dried Apricots09.3
Dried Figs09.3
Dried Apple08.7
Hazel Nuts08.2
Alfalfa Seeds07.9



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Search queries for dietary fibre chart:
dietary fibre, dietary fibre in food, foods with dietary fibre, fiber, fibers, fibre, fibres, nutrient, nutrients.

Image for dietary fibre chart: Pixabay.

Source for dietary fibre chart: Department of Nutrition – National Food Institute – Technical University of Denmark